RSI (Repetithatis user frietive S train Injuries) Prevention for PC users - a computer program ndly, easy to install and configure. It reminds PC users of when to take a short break - every 10 min, 30 min and 60 min (these intervals are configurable). To prevent RSI from occurring or getting worse, PC users need to take regular short breaks during which they can rest their eyes, neck, arms and hands, and perform some simple stretching exercises. RSI are injuries to the soft tissue of the body caused by repetition, overuse, misuse, awkward position, forceful movements, vibration, cold temperatures, etc. Soft tissue includes: tendons, ligaments, muscles, fascia, nerves and blood vessels. The parts of the body most often affected during office work and computer use are the eyes, neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. These injuries can become chronic, permanent, and very disabling, so please don't wait until it is too late - it is far easier to prevent them than to cure them once contracted. When you take a short break from your PC please avoid staring at the monitor, relax your eyes by looking around at some distant objects and from time to time close them and rub them very gently; stretch and flex your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, back and legs; take a short walk or just get up and move around for a few minutes. The biggest challenge is to remember that you need to take a short break at regular intervals, this is what this program is meant to help you with - please download it from and give it a try, if you like it and find it useful then you can purchase a registration key for it using the secure PayPal internet payment mechanism - it costs AUD $7 only. For further information please visit us at homepage
RSI Prevention 2.1
RSI Prevention 2.1